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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Novel Stats


Today's Word Count: 440 words, 28.1k total

A two-way mirror covered the wall to her left—probably a requisite for rooms such as these. That thought brought a smile to her lips; though, when she had first been escorted in, the mirror, and the reflection she had seen within, had frightened her. Some time had passed since she had last seen herself. Her hair had grown long, down to her waist, and she had lost an alarming amount of weight. Dirt and sweat had completely overwhelmed her clothing—their original color had long been lost.

Boy, I was just reading over that again. Isn't there an unusual amount of "had's" in that paragraph? And this what I choose to post as an excerpt? Gah!

Ah well. Onward!

1 comment:

Levi Nunnink said...

Just ignore those 'hads'. I didn't notice them. Think of them as chaff for the second draft.

Lunch this week?